Our female

Ch. Sabrina Godsend MariOri*UA SIA n

Date of a birth 28.08.2004

Father: Okonor Banan SIA n
Mother: Okonor Sealva SIA n

Breeder L. Filatova
Owner N. Berkul


The property of cattery Shegumy Neko

September, 17 and 18, 2005
St-Petersburg, "Cup Hill's" (WACC)
The judges Karl-Hains Knelangen (Germany), Mineev Artem (Russia) - Best of breed, Best of Best
Ch. Sabrina Godsend MariOri*UA
Joly-Jolin Shegumy Neko*RU SIA j

Date of a birth 10.07.2003

Father: EC Atanarih Siomar*RU SIA ds 21
Mother: CH Viktoria Betelgayse Shegumy Neko*RU SIA n

Breeder N. Berkul
Owner N. Berkul


The property of cattery Shegumy Neko

November, 15, 2003
St-Petersburg, Club " Zodiac " (FIFe)
The judge E.Presse (AUS) - Best kitten
Joly-Jolin Shegumy Neko*RU SIA j
Jujmara Shegumy Neko*RU SIA fs

Date of a birth 10.07.2003

Father: EC Atanarih Siomar*RU SIA ds 21
Mother: CH Viktoria Betelgayse Shegumy Neko*RU SIA n

Breeder N. Berkul
Owner E. Strelnikova


The property of cattery Shegumy Neko
Jujmara Shegumy Neko*RU SIA f
Ishiemy Shegumy Neko*RU SIA hs

Date of a birth 19.01.2003

Father: Gabriel Wonderful SIA e SIA es
Mother: CH Viktoria Betelgayse Shegumy Neko*RU SIA n

Breeder N. Berkul
Owner E. Batsura


The property of cattery Shegumy Neko
Ishiemy Shegumy Neko*RU SIA hs
Baccara Chocolate Queen OSH b

Date of a birth 25.07.2000

Father: GIC FIN*Arhantin Aristos OSH b 24
Mother: CH Yana Grand Aristos*RU SIA h

Breeder A. Karpova
Owner E. Strelnikova


The property of cattery Shegumy Neko
Baccara Chocolate Queen OSH b
Violetta Viki Bast*RU OSH c 24

Date of a birth 03.11.2002

Father: IC Vicont Grad Aristos*RU OSH cs
Mother: Rea Silvia OSH a 22

Breeder N. Glotova
Owner A. Gorelyonok


The female is rented
Violetta Vici Bast*RU OSH c 24
Lenako Noko Shegumy Neko*RU SIA h

Date of a birth 04.08.2004

Father: IC Ferdinand Grand Aristos*RU SIA bs 21
Mother: Joly-Jolin Shegumy Neko*RU SIA j

Breeder N. Berkul


The property of cattery Shegumy Neko
Lenako Noko Shegumy Neko*RU SIA h
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